Why Clarity Health Plans?
Formed by a group of progressive brokers and consultants, Clarity Health Plans is a free market response to the ever-increasing costs of health insurance. We recognize the health care industry needs to change, and we believe that private and public employers can change it.
Our Mission…
Clarity Health Plans strives to reinvent healthcare. We act in our clients’ best interest using the highest levels of transparency, integrity, and accountability.
Why Reinvent the Healthcare System?
- Our healthcare system was built “broken” from the start.
- The MLR Rule (Medical Loss Ratio) requires that 80% of your rates are claims costs.
- No “true transparency” or accountability exists in the current system
- Insurance carriers bundle and contract out plan components, collecting additional revenue from the vendors.
- Carriers withhold important information about managing your plan and costs.
- Carriers use unregulated PBMs who rebate, spread price, and repackage drugs, passing costs onto unsuspecting clients.
Our Goals
Reduce Reinsurance Costs
Remove Undisclosed Revenue Streams
Reduce Prescription Costs
Improve Clinical Outcomes for All Members
Eliminate the 12-Month Renewal Cycle
Improve Cost Trends
Take Control of Your Healthcare Plan
Talk With One of Our Healthcare Specialists Today
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